![]() Thanks to all of y'all who have been following my blogs! The feedback has been wonderful so I appreciate it! Anyway, I have done quite a few blogs about 'celebs' recently haven't I? However, the stories in general have linked to my thoughts or things to do with me. But those of you who know me well, know that celeb gossip really is not a massive interest to me! So it's time to GET PERSONAL and GET LOCAL for the next couple of weeks! I really want everyone to be involved! So if you know me, and want me to blog about you or your work HOLLA! So Artists, Producers, Bloggers, Sazrah's beasts - let me know what you want me to say about u! Email me at: [email protected] with your ideas, photos etc and I will see what I can doooo-hoooo! x ![]() HAHA! I can imagine a few of my secondary school friends from the UK and my 'Grade 8' school friends from Canada chuckling to them self when they see that I have decided to do a blog about the one, the only Kel Mitchell (or Kel Kimble as he was known in Kenan and Kel). This is because when I was a teenager, they will probably remember all my text books, diary's, back packs and notepads with 'I LOVE KEL' scribbled on them a million times in so many different colours! 'Obsessed' was not the word!! He was my first ever 'crush' (apart from Woody from Toy Story but we won't go there!! looool). I had so much information about him and pictures saved of him, that one day, me and my buddy Anita decided we would make a website about him! We named it 'THE BEST KEL MITCHELL PAGE' and updated it daily whether it was at the school library, or on our parent's computer! The website got extremely popular and we got thousands upon thousands of hits and a lot of feedback from all over the world on our guestbook from his fans! We were very proud of our work. It eventually became the FIRST page that came up when you typed his name into google too!! However, our GCSE exams arrived and we ended up focussing on that so much meaning we had no time for the website and now it is long gone (or floating around somewhere, incomplete and broken-looking lol). Eventually I also realised that there was no way on earth I was going to marry a celebrity so I decided to leave my obsession behind lol! Still have a lot of respect for the guy though. He is a very positive spirit who works hard on helping the youth of today! It wasn't until a couple of years ago when I decided to sign up to twitter that I found out Kel actually HAD acknowledged all the hard work Anita and I put into that website. See below.... When I read the tweet, it was like that 13 year old girl inside me jumped for joy and said 'told you one day he would speak to you'! It was pretty cool.
Since then, he has even answered some odd questions my friends have told me to ask him...such as 'Do you REALLY love orange soda?' hahaha.. you can see his answer in my 'favourites' on my twitter! What is Kel up to now? Kel recently got married (CONGRATULATIONS!!) and is a Professional Christian, Actor, Writer, Director & Producer. You can see what work he is up to by visiting... http://www.KelMitchell.net/ And can follow him on @iamkelmitchell I wish him all the best and thank him for answering all my bizarre questions on twitter and for appreciating my old wesbite. Wonder if he'll like this one?! By Sazrah @sazrah_producer NEW FB LIKE PAGE: Sazrah www.sazrah.co.uk p.s. .....update below ;) ![]() On Saturday I decided to get my 8701 Usher album out for old times sake! I having been listening to it on repeat all weekend and remembering the good times it brought me as a teenager. But today I found out some awful news involving Usher's family. On Sunday, Usher's step-son Kyle had a tragic accident and has been left brain-dead. Kyle was sitting in an inner tube on Lake Lanier when a man accidentally rode his jet-ski into it striking Kyle in the head and leaving him unconscious. Usher and his ex-wife Tameka Blair have been by his hospital bedside and are urging everybody to pray for him. Actress Jada Pinkett Smith posted on facebook: July 8th... yesterday was the day I was celebrating the birth of my son only to find out that Usher and Tameka were dealing with the tragedy of their son. In honor of this precious child...tell someone today you forgive them, tell someone today how much you love them, tell someone today you want to spend the rest of your life with them. Thank someone for being such a good friend to you, thank someone for having stood by you when no one else did. Take the time to appreciate life today because NOTHING... is promised. Our prayers are yours Usher, Tameka and to all those who have put love into your son. To Blair's family...our prayers are with you as well. Be strong. J Couldn't have said it better myself Jada. My prayers go out to them and anybody else going through a difficult situation like this. Anything underlined in this blog leads to a link :)![]() Today I want to write about my FAVE rap duo. If it wasn't for these 2 crazy beastys answering my many questions, I wouldn't have got a 1st on my dissertation about 'Coz Ov Moni' their rap-musical movie (click here to see trailer)! Wanlov and M3nsa are both Ghanaian rappers, singers and composers who have taken the world by storm. They have shared the stage with Snoop Dogg, Sway, Irie Maffia and the Gorillaz -to name a few! I became a massive fan from the moment I saw their work! Little did I know that one day they would become good friends of mine. It all started during the Summer of 2010 when my friend Jaya and I first discovered Wanlov. It began when we were randomly laughing at the size of a shoe in this video featuring a few Ghanaian artists. Then we became obsessed with the song. To the point that we played the video on repeat when getting ready to go out! It's one of those songs that just make you giggle and go all bubbley! I even had it as my alarm tone haha! Anyway, after repeating the video about 199 times, we THEN decided to pay more attention to each individual rapper who features on the song. When we searched Wanlov we were blown away by his talent! We also found it bizarre that he chooses never to wear shoes, even in the snow! He is constantly barefooted! Whilst searching further we came across the trailer for 'Coz Ov Moni', Ghana's first ever pidgin rap musical by Wanlov and M3nsa (this is how we found out about M3nsa)! We noticed it was premiering in London so we bought tickets . . . and the rest is history!!!!! ![]() Wanlov and M3nsa as a duo are titled the FOKN bois and are known for causing controversy. But if you meet them, you realise they are the kindest and most positive, laid back characters you can ever come across. I love being around them because they make me feel at ease and without doubt, we have the best laughs together every time we hang out. I always bring cookies and crisps to them at M3nsa's studio and they always make sure my belly is full with tasty Ghanaian food. If I refuse to eat, Wanlov force feeds me gari.<--sorry i'm going crazy with the 'link' thing lol! M3nsa and I quite enjoy arguing. We argue from the moment I step into the building, to the moment I leave. He calls me 'Miss Defensive' but it's only because I am just as good at arguing back as he is...we are too alike. So perhaps I should start calling him Mr.Defensive :-P They have taught me a lot about my culture as I am half Ghanaian but am yet to visit Ghana! I hopefully will this year because it is a BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY from what I have heard/seen! ![]() FOKN sandwich ;-P Anyhoo, I just wanted to big up these two talented cheeky chappys. They chilled me out throughout all my uni stress and were always there to put a smile on my face/make me laugh no matter how tired I was. They understand my strange humor and Wanlov has even featured on one of my 'joke-rap-tracks' that I made for Jaya. I love the FOKN bois creativity, their naughtyness and how caring they are. A random, yet great combination of characteristics! You can find them on twitter: @mensamusic and @wanlov OR @FOKNBOIS. Their most recent album 'FOKN Wit Ewe' is out now so get listening! I am currently working on a lil remix to their track 'Gimmie Pinch'. Now I shall treat y'all to some of their videos below this blog....It shows the variety of styles they can bring...enjoy! P.S. I now have a FB music 'like' page...so click HERE and get ta liking ;-) or type www.facebook.com/sazrahproducer You can comment on these blogs from that page too. Peace x Sazrah: @sazrah_producer ![]() So, I always tell my friends I want to shave my head! And the reactions I get are 'Why?' or 'It looks good the way it is. It doesn't need any more off' and (my fave reaction) 'DO IT THEN'. The thing is, I would leave a tiny bit of hair but I would have it very low -like the models below. I wouldn't do it for anyone else but me. And it would be easy to manage compared to my mohawk! However, I might leave it for a year or so because I really love my mohawk and it feels like its my trademark for now! Its the longest hairstyle I have ever kept so it must mean I feel at home with it as I used to change my hair monthly! Anyway, today I thought I would blog about my two fave sexy bald looks! ![]() Bald girl 1! Amber Rose BALD AND BLONDE Amber is a model who was first well known for dating Kanye West. He didn't treat her right though, so she left, moved on and she is now dating Wiz Kalifa and sounds really happy. Last time she spoke on the 'Wendy Williams show' she said that she never believed in being with somebody for the rest of your life until she met him. Her family struggled when she was younger so she worked as a stripper to make money for her and her mother when growing up. She was only exposed to idiotic men and did not believe in love. But now, with Wiz, she is living a fairy tale romance! Aaaw. lol. ![]() Bald Girl 2 Azmarie BALD AND BEAUTIFUL Azmarie has a bit of hair in this picture. But sometimes she is really close to bald! Either look I like. She is a model as well. She picked up a lot of attention on the new season of 'America's Next Top Model' which just aired in America not long ago. She is known for how she can be real 'blokey' but also be really feminine! This is what I love because I can relate to that! I can look like a right boy in my mohawk on my lazy days. But on my days where I wanna wear a dress and make effort, I can be feminine! Azmarie is a lesbian and is rumored to be dating Raven Symone (yep- the girl from 'That's so Raven'). She currently lives with her. I have attached a couple of pics of Azmarie below, so you can see how androgynous she is! So, if you got a good head shape girls- flaunt it!!! <<<<<<UPDATE>>>>>> |
Author: SazrahSazrah is a UK music producer who has composed music for BBC 1xtra, Film, Catwalk and famous artists. Her blogs are about upcoming artists, music industry tips and general chit chat! Categories
September 2023